2nd Conference on Digitalisation for Sustainable Process Industries
tor. 25. mai
|Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
DigiPro Centre is looking forward to an exciting day in Porsgrunn. Following a member only meeting 24 May, the open «2nd Conference on Digitalisation for Sustainable Process Industries» is organised 25 May.

Time & Location
25. mai 2023, 08:30 – 16:30 CEST
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Kjølnes Ring 40, 3918 Porsgrunn, Norway
About the Event
Sign up
Click here to complete the Registration Form for Participants.
Interested in booking a stand?
If you arrive early, you have the option of signing up for the guided tour of Herøya Industrial Park (HIP) 24 May 2:00-4:00pm and/or pre-conference dinner at Becks Brasserie & Bar Osebro 24 May 7pm.
Preliminary program
Topic Twin Transition
08:30 Registration and coffee
08:45 Opening words, DigiPro Centre/Powered by Telemark
08:55 HIP - Steps towards a Climate Neutral Industrial Park, Sverre Gotaas, Herøya Industrial Park
09:15 Process21 - The twin green & digital transition of the Process Industry, Håvard Moe, Elkem/Process21
09:55 Refreshments and poster/stand session
10:30 Simple access to complex industrial data, Rémi Goget, Cognite
11:10 Autonomy and Robotics in Process Industries, Svein Olav Hegerland, Bouvet
11:35 Smart Factory, Kai-Uwe Hess, Deloitte
12:00 Lunch and poster/stand session
Topic Applied digitalisation in Process Industry
13:15 Strategy and work procedures on Digitalisation, Merete Østby, Yara
13:50 Robust and versatile gas analyzers for process indutries, Thor Bakke, Tunable
14:15 Intelligence on the Edge, Jon Jahren, Microsoft
14:40 Refreshments and poster/stand session
Topic "Low hanging fruits" - briefly presented technologies
15:15 4 x 15 minutes pitches:
- Data Analysis Platform, Øystein Løken, Egde Consulting
- Online chemical analysis – from the perspective of an industrial lab analysis supplier, Grim Gjønnes, Nemko Norlab
- Sustainable production with GE Proficy Smart Factory: FIBO and NEXANS customer cases, Bjørn Inge Olsen, Novotek
- Advances in Model-Based Control for the Process Industry, Vemund Tjessem, Cybernetica
16:15 Concluding remarks
Nkr 1000,- for employees from DigiPro Centre member organisations
Nkr. 1750,- for non-members
Accommodation and breakfast at Comfort Hotel Porsgrunn can be booked through the registration form. To be settled directly with the hotel.
Conference Advisory Board
Arve Ulriksen, CEO, Mo Industripark
Benjamin Ravary, R&D Director Manganese Alloys, Eramet Norway
Heli Helaakoski, Research Manager VTT and Digitalisation Leader, A.Spire
Morten Dalsmo, Executive Vice President, SINTEF Digital
Peter Singstad, Managing Director, Cybernetica
Stian Anfinsen, SVP Enabling Technologies, NORCE
We are looking forward to seeing you in Porsgrunn!
Sign up
Click here to complete the Registration Form for Participants.